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Hello! My name is Alexander Troshkov.

I’m a Flutter developer living in Helsinki. In this little blog I share my experience on things I found interesting.

I love to travel

I enjoy exploring cities, tasting new food and observing nature while hiking.

Countries I’ve visited so far: Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, Ukraine.

Contact me

The idea

This website is very lightweight. There are no cookie requests, trackers and other rubbish. I enjoy simplicity, hope you like it too. The materials on this website are licensed under a CC-BY license.

What’s “aednlaxer”?

It’s my name, Alexander. I shuffled the letters in it so it became something unique.

Try yourself: alexander (click to shuffle).